RE: AW: [Xen-users] Best way to use iSCSI in domU
El jue, 18-06-2009 a las 13:43 -0400, Jeff Sturm escribió:
> We had a similar experience, however with AoE rather than iSCSI. The
> xennet drivers were fast when benchmarked on a single DomU. We hadn't
> anticipated the slowdown when many DomU's were hitting xennet for block
> storage, cluster multicast and plain HTTP traffic all at once.
> Exporting block devices from DomU instead was much more successful. The
> performance bottleneck seemed to vanish, we could tune the network as we
> see fit (e.g. multipath / jumbo frames, good for storage), and the phy:
> backend allows for asynchronous writes (although the latter prevented us
> from doing this on shared GFS filesystems).
OK. But supppose I need two domUs (in the same dom0) needing the same
iSCSI resource. Could they share it if I configure it in the dom0?
Angel L. Mateo Martínez
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