RE: [Xen-users] Disabling driver signature enforcement for Windows DomUs
> > - as per DSEO instructions, disabled all User Account Controls via
> > secpol.msc snap-in
> > - installed DSEO and enabled test mode
> > - reboot
> > - GplPV drivers came up disabled, so I reinstalled the GplPV
drivers, then
> That's the weird part. GPLPV should already be signed with James
> Harper's certificate (and looking at file properties tells me that).
> But as it is, on my last test xen-vbd works but xen-net does not.
I still can't figure it out. I right click on the .sys file and go
properties and it tells me that there is a signature there, but then
according to device manager it isn't signed, for both the network and
disk. I think the disk driver loads because it loads early enough that
windows can't figure out that it isn't signed yet. The network driver
obviously loads later and so windows can do its thing then. XenPci
appears to be signed as far as Windows is concerned.
One thing that puzzles me is that in device manager it says that the
drivers for xennet are xennet.sys and xenpci.sys. I don't understand why
xenpci.sys is mentioned there.
I'll ask on the ntdev list. There has been a heap of discussion there
about signing though, so I expect they're sick of the questions :)
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