Re: [Xen-users] Xen and IPtables
Sorry, a poor explanation, had a very tired day yesterday!
Basically, I'm using a bridging solution standard xen bridging scripts,
1 physical ethernet card, bridge eth0 1 virtual attached to the bridge peth0
2 domUs, also attached to the bridge, vif1.0 and vif2.0
There are three different IP addresses, one for each virtual interface.
I have been able to filter for the domUs via the forward chain taking out the packets to each domU to a specific chain for that domU, and then handle the packets with ACCEPT/DROP, as per usual.
-m physdev --physdev-in peth0 --physdev-out vif${DOMUID}.0 -j <DOMU chain>
However, I blanked on where to get hold of the traffic to the dom0? Does that go to FORWARD too? Or does it simply hit INPUT?
Cheers for your help,
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