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Re: [Xen-users] Paravirtualized vs HVM - how big is the performance gap?

Subject: Re: [Xen-users] Paravirtualized vs HVM - how big is the performance gap?
From: "Ferreira, N. L. (Nuno)" <n.l.ferreira@xxxxx>
Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2009 12:12:17 +0100
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So go for a SL 4.7 installation, unless you really need the 4.3 one.

Good luck.


P.S. It is from experience (and talknig with some sysadmins) that you are better off putting a dom0 with a SL OS. Go for a centOS, fedora or RHEL based one, and then build your SL machines on top.
Tim Edwards wrote:
Ferreira, N. L. (Nuno) wrote:
Hi Tim

I have a dom0 server running SL 5.1 (i386), and I was able to install a
SL 4.7 (i386) domU.
When you say virt-install command/libvirt do not allow, what are the
errors you are getting?

I've looked into the virt-install command in more detail now. The
problem is that the SL4.3 installation tree has no images/xen/
directory, whereas more recent RHEL/SL 4.x (eg. 4.6, 4.7) do. The
virt-install expects to retrieve a vmlinuz and initrd.img from there.
(The error is "Invalid file location given: No such file or directory")

Tim Edwards

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Nuno Ricardo Santos Loureiro da Silva Ferreira

NMR Spectroscopy Research Group
Bijvoet Center for Biomolecular Research
Utrecht University
Bloembergen gebouw
Padualaan 8, 3584 CH Utrecht
The Netherlands

P: +31.(0)30.253 9932
F: +31.(0)30.253 2652
E: n.l.ferreira@xxxxx
W: http://nmr.chem.uu.nl

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