Re: [Xen-users] Paravirtualized vs HVM - how big is the performance gap?
Hi Tim
I have a dom0 server running SL 5.1 (i386), and I was able to install a
SL 4.7 (i386) domU.
When you say virt-install command/libvirt do not allow, what are the
errors you are getting?
Tim Edwards wrote:
We are currently in the situation of needing to use Scientific Linux 4.x
(a RHEL derivative) in paravirtualized mode. The problem is that the
virt-install command/libvirt don't support installing Scientific Linux
4.x (only 5.x) so I'm having great trouble installing SL4.x in a
paravirt domU.
I see 3 possibilities but don't really know if they are realistic so
need people's thoughts on them:
* Find a way to install SL4.x in a HVM domU and then convert that domU
to paravirt mode (I'm trying this now but with no success)
* There is some technique to allow booting of paravirt VMs off of .iso
images or over PXE (or any other method that could lead to a Kickstart
* Just run 4.x in HVM mode - roughly how big is the performance impact
and how could I minimise it?
The hardware we're running this on supports AMD-V virtualisation, the
domain0 OS is Scientific Linux 5.3 x86_64.
Tim Edwards
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Nuno Ricardo Santos Loureiro da Silva Ferreira
NMR Spectroscopy Research Group
Bijvoet Center for Biomolecular Research
Utrecht University
Bloembergen gebouw
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The Netherlands
P: +31.(0)30.253 9932
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W: http://nmr.chem.uu.nl
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