I've encountered a strange behaviour of the block device PV driver: with
the Qemu-derived IO-emulation I can easily access both virtual drives of
50 GByte and 2 Terabyte.
When I activate GPLPV, only the 50G system partition shows up; the 2
TByte one is completely absent.
Is there a limit the GPLPV block driver can handle? -- everything else
seems to work fine... and yes, I need that 2TByte disk. It's a
fileserver :)
I could of course try to split the disk and use the Windows volume
management to assemble it back -- but I don't know how to do that
exactly and it'd add another management layer. Which I don't want to.
Any ideas or maybe even a solution? :) But it's not that urgent, I can
still use the IO emulation until the system gets productive, which isn't
before January. And maybe even still then.
Björn Schneider
Björn Schneider, BSc.
phone: +49 6221 33507 47
fax: +49 6221 33507 11
email: Bjoern.Schneider@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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