RE: [Xen-users] Network dies when downloading on dom0
>I'm running the following setup:
> - Gentoo Linux 2.6.21-xen (on both dom0 and all domUs)
> - Xen 3.2.1
> - Firewall (shorewall) running in a domU
> - Bridged networking
With the exception of Dom0/U OS, I run the exact setup :)
>The problem I'm having is that whenever i download a large file (3mb+)
>from the internet on the dom0 any networking on the host machine dies
>and the dom0 and all its domU's become completely unavailible for about
>5 minutes whereafter the network comes back up again and everything
>starts working.
I had these same issues, do you run iptables in Dom0? I recall an issue
when doing so but I never tested the fix I just disabled it as Dom0 was
physically isolated.
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