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[Xen-users] attaching floppy to images to domu

To: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Xen-users] attaching floppy to images to domu
From: "webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 29 Jun 2008 18:42:50 +0200
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Hello everybody,

I'am trying to make an installation of a sles9 based system. In order to install this system after booting a floppy disk (or usb) should be "inserted" with a auto configuration file.
My problem is what ever I try I can not attach a floppy image to the 
sles9. the command I tried is
xm block-attach <dom nr> file://path/to/floppy.img /dev/fd0 w

After this command I see the device attached with the block-list command. but sles9 does not recognize the img file. I made same variations the device eg /dev/fd or /dev/fda but nothing seems to do the trick
also attaching it at boottime in the configuration file does is not 
successful: disk:
[ 'hd', 'cdrom', 'file:/path/to/floppy.img,fd0:floppy,w'  ] several 
variations on this without success.
xen 3.2.1
dom0 : opensuse 11.0 (64 bit).
domu: sles9

Any body any idea?

thank in advance


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