RE: [Xen-users] help needed
>I need a consultant to help me install the latest Kernel 3.2. I compiled it
>successfully under Centos 5.1 64 >Bits, did “make world”, “make install”, end
>it did not show any error. I changed the grub.conf file as per the >README,
>but the machine did not boot. There is must be something missing in the
>instructions. If somebody >who can help me, I will pay him/her via paypal. Has
>anybody succeded installing it under Centos 5.1 64 bits?
>Philip Orleans venefax@xxxxxxxxx
That's what the forums are for! Anyway, grab the srpm. It compiles easily and
will get you going asap if you don't want to use the distro version. If the
tarball compiled version did work, and you have it all right, you may have
hardware that the xen kernel doesn't recognize. What are you running on?
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