Re: [Xen-users] Stable dom0 kernel > 2.6.20 ?
> I don't know if those kernels would be compatible with my Ubuntu.
Hmmm, well if you want to stick with Ubuntu I guess it could be a problem. I
*thought* I'd heard of somebody using the Fedora kernels with Ubuntu but I'm
not sure.
> I tried
> to compile them from a mercurial repo that I've found, but it failed. Maybe
> I'm doing something wrong? any documentation?
Probably need more information about how it failed in order to suggest
anything more.
However, I'd note that you can probably "apt-get install rpm" (eek!) and then
try using RPM to install the Fedora kernel RPMs. I've really no idea whether
this would work or not or if it'll do anything bad; still, it might be an
interesting experiment.
> I'm currently thinking of testing the 2.6.24 dom0 in the Ubuntu Hardy.
Might be worth a try.
Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if the Ubuntu XenLinux kernel is based on
the Fedora XenLinux patches; I'd heard that Debian's was. Although I'm not
sure Ubuntu's is derived directly from Debian.
Oh dear, it's all very complicated :-(
> Fedora guys' work on upstream pv_ops dom0 kernel is fantastic. But it won't
> be ready for Fedora 9 as announced. Maybe in Fedora 10. Let's see.
This is true. There is code available online for folks to build and try out,
though I'm not sure it's yet capable of running as a full dom0.
Getting a pv-ops-based kernel as the default for dom0 and domU will be a
*huge* step in keeping kernel versions up to date. Getting support in
kernel.org Linux for running as dom0 would be even more awesome but even if
that doesn't happen, we'll still be much better off.
> Emre
> On Sat, Apr 5, 2008 at 10:30 PM, Mark Williamson <
> mark.williamson@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Have you tried the Fedora Xen kernel? The RedHat guys are generally
> > quite involved with the Xen project.
> >
> > There's also work being done (largely by Stephen Tweedie from Red Hat, I
> > think) to get pv-ops kernels working in dom0, which should make far more
> > up-to-date kernels possible!
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Mark
> >
> > --
> > Push Me Pull You - Distributed SCM tool (
> > http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~maw48/pmpu/<http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/%7Emaw48/pmp
> >u/> )
Push Me Pull You - Distributed SCM tool (http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~maw48/pmpu/)
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