Re: Fw: [Xen-users] Jailtime image problem - debian 4.0
It sounds like the Jailtime image is assuming that you have the xenblk
driver built into the kernel instead of as a module. On CentOS and
Fedora that probably isn't the case, so you need to add the initrd, and
it needs to point to an initrd that was loaded with the xenblk driver.
You can only use the dom0 initrd for domU if you have it load the pv
modules as well as your normal ones (it shouldn't by default because
your dom0 won't need them). If you don't have one, you should be able
to do ok by running something like:
mkinitrd -v -f --with=ext3 --with=xenblk /boot/2.6.whatever-xenU.img 2.6.whatever
On Sat, Mar 1, 2008 at 3:59 AM, Puer Triste < pmtriste@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
It sounds like the Jailtime image is assuming that you have the xenblk driver built into the kernel instead of as a module. On CentOS and Fedora that probably isn't the case, so you need to add the initrd, and it needs to point to an initrd that was loaded with the xenblk driver. You can only use the dom0 initrd for domU if you have it load the pv modules as well as your normal ones (it shouldn't by default because your dom0 won't need them). If you don't have one, you should be able to do ok by running something like:
mkinitrd -v -f --with=ext3 --with=xenblk /boot/2.6.whatever-xenU.img 2.6.whateverOn Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 5:30 PM, Evan Lavelle < sa212+xen@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The Centos 5.1 image from jailtime is identical - nothing in /boot,
'vmlinuz-2.6-xen' required on the Dom0. So, clearly jailtime thinks
there's something special about 'vmlinuz-2.6-xen', but the website says
nothing about it.
After some Googling, it looks like this kernel may be installed in the
dom0 /boot by one of the Xen RPMs, or by a download from XenSource. I'll
try to give this a go over the w/end.
-- Puer Misellus Triste
-- Puer Misellus Triste
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