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Re: [Xen-users] CentOS 5.1 & Xen 3.2

To: uxbod@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] CentOS 5.1 & Xen 3.2
From: Sadique Puthen <sputhenp@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2008 12:05:46 +0530
Cc: Xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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--[ UxBoD ]-- wrote:

Thanks to everyone so for all their help.

I am still unsure about the best way to get Xen installed.  If I install from 
the standard yum repos I get Xen 3.1 installed.  As my host is AMD Opteron 
X86_64 SMP I believe that I need to use Xen 3.2.  Am I correct in thinking this 
Why do you think so? I am not aware of any good reason for CentOS-5.1 
not to work with the standard rpms provided with it which is xen-3.1.

Due to the dependencies I cannot just remove xen and xen-libs as it also gets 
rid of libvirt.  Therefore, would I be best to install everything from source ?


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