Re: [Xen-users] Question about Vista Pro
On Mi, Nov 28, 2007 at 01:42:17 +1100, milo randy wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> recently i installed Vista professional on our xen machine. The installation
> ran fine however
> the networking for the machine would not work.
> we were able to install network drivers for the machine and in tcpdump we
> could see the arp requestes being sent and recieved from the vista instance
> but otherwise could get no other networking working on the machine.
I have seen the problem before.
The problem was solved by changing
emulated rtl8139 to ne2000.
Take a look at this post for example:
http://xgu.ru/wiki/Xen/vista (in russian, but there are useful
screenshots and config files)
WBR, i.m.chubin
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