Re: [Xen-users] XEN Howto/ Host FC7 Guest Windows Me or Xp
On 11/7/07, Peter Tersløv Forsberg <thevillain@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > On Nov 8, 2007 1:42 AM, admin@xxxxxxx <admin@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> > > Correction:
> > > I want to get away from Win4lin and use VMWARE, and would appreciate a
> > > comparison in a few lines if you have it handy.
> > >
> > > Should READ
> > > I want to get away from Win4lin and VMWARE, and would appreciate a
> > > comparison with XEN in a few lines if you have it handy.
> You need to have support for HVM in your processor. Since you don't
> mention anything about it, I take that you're not knowing whether your
> processor supports it or not... If you do a xm dmesg | grep -i vmx
> from your dom0 and it doesn't give you anything, chances are that your
> processor doesn't support HVM.
> regards
> Peter
The OP doesn't mention if it is an AMD or an Intel processor.
So in addition to doing xm dmesg | grep -i vmx, which would only work
if it's an intel processor, xm dmesg | grep -i svm should be done as
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