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[Xen-users] XEN Howto/ Host FC7 Guest Windows Me or Xp

To: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Xen-users] XEN Howto/ Host FC7 Guest Windows Me or Xp
From: "admin@xxxxxxx" <admin@xxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 07 Nov 2007 19:39:47 -0500
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I searched the archives but could not find a concise HOWTO for installing ME or XP as guest on FC7 as host. Note: I have XEN running on FC7 and it flashes the XEN banner at machine boots up, so the Kermnel is enabled.
I tried to work from this
but it was pretty vague.

If someone can point me to a HOWTO I would greatly appreciate it.

I want to get away from Win4lin and use VMWARE, and would appreciate a comparison in a few lines if you have it handy.
Is there out of the box tcp/ip support through the host (like win4lin?)
Which periferals works. serial ports? parallel ports usb?


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