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[Xen-users] Software-Raid Filesystem mounted not clean

To: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Xen-users] Software-Raid Filesystem mounted not clean
From: amin <amin@xxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 00:40:02 +0200
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Debian Etch 4.0 up2date
Pentium 640 ond Tyan Mainboard 2gb RAM
2x80gb Samsung SP0812C

I have a software raid and the problem that XEN doesn't mount my ROOT-filesystem as clean.
With a normal 2.6.18-5 kernel from debian i can reboot and check my 
filesystem with tune2fs -l /dev/md1
and it will show up with the Filesystem state : clean.

If I boot up after that with xen and do the same command it will show: not clean
A reboot after that, xen will perform a filesystem check.
The result is a reboot and a clean partition which, at this following reboot, is getting unclean.
The last message i read when i do the normal rebooting is >>> md1 still 
in use...
Second, i get a startup error with S02mountkernfs.sh line 22: 
Segmentation fault , something with /lib/init/rw/.ramfs,
when i execute the script after the bootup, it works like normal.

With the normal 2.6.18-5 kernel it's working reboot for reboot, only xen gets that error and mounts it unclean.


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