Re: [Xen-users] Poor disk io performance in domUs
Are the disk I/O numbers quoted below aggregate for all machines, or
just for the mailserver.
-- Tom Mornini, CTO
-- Engine Yard, Ruby on Rails Hosting
-- Support, Scalability, Reliability
-- (866) 518-YARD (9273)
On Jun 20, 2007, at 10:49 PM, Andrej Radonic wrote:
in a previously well behaving xen setup we are suddenly
experiencing massive loss of disk performance.
Setup: two identical machines (dell, 2 quadcore cpus each, 8 GB RAM
each), attached to *one* SAS storagebox (Raid5 SAS disks), CentOS
5, Xen 3.04 running three domUs each.
Storage partitions are exposed as block-devices to the guests.
Filesystem is ext3.
Since a domU running a rather heavily loaded mailserver (many small
files, many reads/writes) has been added, io performance has
deteriorated significantly.
In dom0 about 100 MB/s can be achieved, in domU only about 50 MB/s.
This looks even worse when there are massive concurrent / parallel
io jobs, then throughput goes down to 20 MB/s.
During all this the cpus are mostly idle...
Any ideas? I know some performance degradation is to be expected
but shurely not on this scale?
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