Re: [Xen-users] xen kernel crashes athlon?
Would you believe I took a photograph of it with my digital camera? :)
It doesn't look very revealing though. The last thing it says is "xen
trace buffers: disabled" then silence.
Petersson, Mats wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Ian Jones [mailto:ian.jones9901@xxxxxxxxxxx]
>> Sent: 27 February 2007 13:33
>> To: Petersson, Mats
>> Cc: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Subject: Re: [Xen-users] xen kernel crashes athlon?
>> Thanks for your reply. I tried this, and it now hangs during boot,
>> whereas before it rebooted itself.
> Yes, that's because the "noreboot" feature means "sit there until the
> operator of the machine presses the reset button" rather than "reboot on
> error". It's a useful thing for debugging startup-problems, as it gives
> you a chance to read the console output.
>> Which drivers might I be missing? Perhaps there is a missing
>> dependency...
> Quite possibly. You may want to do lsmod on your system running Linux
> without Xen and see what's listed there, and compare that to what you
> find in /lib/modules/linux-2.x.y.z-xen/... Pay particular attention to
> things like file-system modules, SATA/IDE/SCSI modules - sound-card
> drivers or such are unlikely to prevent the system from booting.
> If you're not able to make sense of the above, the output to the console
> would be helpful.
> The best way to capture the information is to connect a serial-port of
> the target-machine to a another machine, and add:
> com1=115200,8n1 console=com1 sync_console
> to the xen.gz line in your grub.conf file.
> Then use a serial capture application (minicomm, teraterm, HyperTerminal
> or whatever you have available) to log the output to a file. Copy the
> last dozen or so lines of the output to a reply to this mail.
> The less pleasant method of achieving the same thing is to type it in by
> hand (and trying to not type it in wrong, as that may mislead the
> helper...).
> --
> Mats
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