Re: [Xen-users] SWAP on domUs is not mounted.
On Sun, 25 Feb 2007, Stephen Morris wrote:
On 2/25/07, kanour-xen <xen@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
My SWAP on all domUs is not working.
On dom0 I have logical volume (LVM) created and formated for swap. I can
enable this volume under dom0 as a swap (tested).
On domUs I am unable to enable it. I have swap support compiled in kernel.
My fstab is properly configured.
Can someone advice?
Xen-users mailing list
Hi Jiri,
I had a similar problem, but was using a primary swap partition for
swap. What worked for me was to use an interactive "xm block-attach .
. ." command - the
arguments were similar to those used in the "disk" command (for the
swap) in the configuration file. The swap file worked on the next domU
boot and has worked every time since. I haven't yet discovered where
this configuration is stored.
Xen seems (i'm NOT a developer) to have a storage system/daemon for config
info like this... there should be a xenstored process in dom0 which
handles it. You can query it via the xenstore* commands. And of
block-attach is helping, then block-list may provide usefull info too.
xm block-list DOMID
... but I'm not sure if it gets its info from xenstore or parts of it come
from the hypervisor.
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