Re: [Fwd: Réponse automatique d'absence du bureau : [Xen-devel] Re: [Xen
Alex Iribarren wrote:
> Hi,
> I have committed this netiquette offense myself, so I feel I must reply
> in defense of this person.
> Some of us work for organizations with brain-dead mail servers and/or
> sysadmins. No matter how much we complain, this is something that
> doesn't get fixed. In my particular case, I only get to choose if I want
> to autoreply to external emails or only to internal ones. As I receive
> frequent emails from clients I can't justify not enabling the autoreply
> if I am gone for long periods of time.
> I realize how annoying this is, and I apologize, but I can't do anything
> about it short of unsubscribing every time I'm away
> , which I only do for
> long absences. Please have a little patience for us
> mailserver-challenged folks.
IMO, that's an incredibly lame excuse for subjecting so many other people to
your problems.
Why not just get another email account for mailing lists? There are
hundreds of free email services.
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