Re: [Xen-users] Migration error
> The disc scsi is the one that is used for the data of the DomU. Its format
> is xfs.
> The DomU is formed to have direct access to the card PCI that controls the
> disc (it is firewire).
I would be suprised if this would work. I don't know much about the guts
of a firewire card, but it seems to me that XEN would have to know how to
re-initialize the firewire card on the destination machine... as that card
by default is going to either be uninitialized or certainly in another
state. I don't remember much about firewire buses, but it strikes me that
one of the machines is likely to be a busmaster (or node zero, or whatever
firewire calls it) and the other will not. Also, I would expect the
hardware would have to be identical... so that the kernel which
auto-probed the firewire card in the first box would still be using the
correct card parameters when it suddenly found itself running on the
second box.
I would expect that you would have better luck hiding the firewire cards
from the domU, either by accessing them from dom0 and exporting a block
device or using some sort of network block device.
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