What page of the manual do you refer to ?
I was not able to find anything that would mention the limit.
J.J. Krabbendam wrote:
> According to the Xen User's Manual v3.0, there can be at most 32 guest
> OSes
> I can only create 26. Then it comes with:
> Error: device 769 (vbd) could not be connected. Backend device not
> found.
> I have enough memory and I use separate image files (file:/../.../
> .img)
> I also have enoough loop devices.
> -Does anyone know what might be wrong and what I can do to reach the
> 32 guest OSes?
> -Is there a way to get beyond 32? (let's say 100)
> Thanks,
> Artis
Yuri Pismerov, System Administrator
Armor Technologies (Canada) Inc.
P: 905 305 1946 (x.3519)
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