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Re: [Xen-users] xen3 with bind in domU - SOLVED

From: "Pasi Kärkkäinen" <pasik@xxxxxx>
On Tue, Mar 14, 2006 at 08:03:52PM +0100, Daniel Bauer wrote:
From: "Goetz Bock" <bock@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>On Tue, Mar 14 '06 at 18:28, Daniel Bauer wrote:
>>if I start a query at the domU bind from the inside of the network >>it >>works, if I start the same query from the outside of the network >>then
>>it fails.
>ethtool -K eth0 tx off
>on all interfaces DomU and Dom0. For the firewall eth1, too.

Thanks a lot, this works great, but only in the domU not in the dom0.

Is this "tx off" really needed also in dom0?
In dom0 I get the error message "Cannot set device tx csum settings: 
Operation not supported". I couldn't use all features in my network 
(f.e. Tunnel device in the firewall for VPN), but that's not important 
for me, because I don't use dom0 for working.

btw. what nics and what xen+kernel version are you using when
you have these problems?
I'm using a standard SuSE 10.0 (kernel-xen-2.6.13-15.8) with XEN3 Build 
8800 installation. The nics are intel devices, maybe I have to give this 
command without running domU, but I don't wont to stop them.

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