Re: Using the -xen kernel rather than -xen0/U was [Xen-users] Poorhard d
On Fri, 30 Dec 2005 22:13:53 -0000
"Ian Pratt" <m+Ian.Pratt@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > > You will get a single kernel and modules which can be used for both
> > > Domain0 and all DomainUs.
> >
> > But in typical deployments the domU's typically have the
> > priviliged kernel option and backend driver options disabled.
> > Sounds like this is good only for dom0, but you could get
> > the same benefits by cd'ing to dom0's source tree and running
> > "ARCH=xen make menuconfig" (enabling stuff as native instead
> > of modules as you please).
> Sure, you'll domU kernel may need an initrd (depends on the filesystem)
> and will need modules installed in the guest filesystem. It won't be
> any larger than a -xenU kernel. The fact that it has privileged and
> back-end modules built for it doesn't matter -- it can't actually use
> any of them as Xen won't allow it.
Oh, did this change? I was under the impression we could have a guest domain
take control of a NIC, for example.
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