Re: [Xen-users] OpenSUSE and xen3 is far from being stable?
On 12/29/05, Peter.Weiss@xxxxxxxxx <Peter.Weiss@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Check out those at
> http://forge.novell.com/modules/xfmod/project/?xenpreview
> I haven't tried them yet. I managed to get Garloffs rpms (7608) to work on 32
> and 64 bit Opensuse 10.0. I got them from
> http://www.suse.de/~garloff/linux/xen/
> Be sure to understand http://www.opensuse.org/Installing_Xen3
> Hth -- Peter
> --
> Peter.Weiss@xxxxxxxxx ConSol* Software GmbH
> Phone +49 89 45841-100 Consulting & Solutions
> Mobile +49 177 6040121 Franziskanerstr. 38
> http://www.consol.de D-81669 München
Hi Peter,
Have you seen any instability using Xen? I am at the beginning
of the tests and, until now, I did not experience any problem due
to Xen or kernel. My only hard job til now is the understanding
of the way Xen 3 does networking (what I already understood)
and to prepare a script for covering the gaps in Xen networking
scripts. That is done and now I am installing each server, and
testing against the others and the networks.
I am using OpenSUSE 10.0 and Garloff's excellent rpms.
Fernando Maior
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