Re: [Xen-users] any Install howto for FreeBSD as domU with netbsd as dom
On 11/13/05, Rainer Brinkmöller <rainer.brinkmoeller@xxxxxx> wrote:
Is there any other installation howto then the short text file http://www.fsmware.com/xenofreebsd/5.3/xenbsdsetup.txt also then this instructions
http://lists.xensource.com/archives/html/xen-users/2005-09/msg00187.html ?
What i am looking for is something like a short step by step instruction
for setup FreeBSD as domU on a NetBSD dom0.
The setup is pretty dom0 agnostic. You just need a kernel a root block device and an appropriate config file.
Does only FreeBSD 5.3 work as a domU? What about FreeBSD 6.0? Is xen support part of the FreeBSD
6.0 Release?
Yes, and only on 2.0.7. Too much has changed in 3.0. Support for 6.0
will be added after 5.3 is made to work again on 3.0. Eventually xen
support will go into FreeBSD CVS.
Should it be possible to setup FreeBSD 6.0 as domU like NetBSD as domU the way the howto of NetBSD describes
(http://www.netbsd.org/Ports/xen/howto.html)? Is there a special FreeBSD kernel (like freebsd-domU and freebsd-instll) to create it? Which NetBSD Version/Release to use (-current)?
See the NetBSD HOWTOs for dom0 setup info.
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