Re: [Xen-users] compiling xen with custom kernel
On Mon, 2005-09-26 at 23:18 -0700, Shavian Shakes wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to compile xen with either Suse sles9 or RH rhel4 kernels
> ( to make xen0 and xenU kernels from the sles9 or rhel4 sources). I
> have downloaded the xen sources but not sure how to proceed. Do I need
> a special xen patch for sles9 or rhel4? I did find a patch for debian
> referred to at http://www.xmlvalidation.com/xen_howto_sarge.0.html.
> But I cant find a similar patch for rhel/sles. I apologize if this is
> common information but I cannot easily find it. Or if someone can
> point me to instructions for doing the same it will be great !
You can pretty much find all the information you need in the
documentation and readme. Go ahead and install xen. Find the kernel
you want to customize (e.g., 2.4 or 2.6, xen0 or xenU) in the xen
directory. Customize it as with any kernel but adding the setting
ARCH=xen, e.g.,
make ARCH=xen menuconfig
make ARCH=xen
make ARCH=xen modules
Hope this helps. If you need more help, I do have a step by step
instruction sheet on how we set it up in our test lab. It is very
specific to us. I sent it to some others on this list at their request.
Perhaps they could comment if they found it helpful; I won't be the
least bit offended if they say it was not -- it was very specific and
based upon our first, ignorant attempt!
Good luck - John
John A. Sullivan III
Open Source Development Corporation
+1 207-985-7880
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