Re: [Xen-users] Xen on production enviroment
Hi John,
And an excellent stab that was.
I have two network interfaces. eth0 is a 3Com with a
Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5701 Gigabit Ethernet chip,
and eth1 is a 3Com 3cSOHO100-TX Hurricane chip.
On the gigabit card, I couldn't test anything, because I could not
find out how to disable/enable/check checksum offloading. Using
ethtool gives: Operation not supported
For the Hurricane card, though, disabling checksum offloading with:
ethtool -k eth1 rx off
ethtool -k eth1 tx off
ethtool -k eth1 tso off
ethtool -k eth1 sg off
*DOES* in fact allow the network connection to complete to _this_
interface, but not eth0. I can ssh to the guest domain from Domain_0
if I use the ip address of the guest domain interface that is bridged
with Domain_0's eth1.
So I guess you were quite right sir!
I cannot say whether or not this affects network performance
or the server load.
Sadly, this is doesn't completely solve my problem because, as
fate would have it, all my *other* guest domains are bridged with
eth0. I'm still looking for a way to disable checksum offloading
there. I had no luck before, but I was using the name of the
linux module (tg3) to search for information, perhaps if I try with
the name of the chip (Broadcom BCM701) I'll have better luck.
Many thanks for the fine suggestion!
Long thread about network connection from host to guest domain
not working deleted...
> Hmmm . . . I'll take a stab in the dark at this. I've seen those types.
> of errors with checksum offloading. Someone on this list in reply to a
> problem I was having mentioned that unstable implements checksum
> offloading. What happens if you disable it? - John
> --
> John A. Sullivan III
> Open Source Development Corporation
> +1 207-985-7880
> jsullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ramiro Brito Willmersdorf Dep. Engenharia Mecânica/UFPE
ramiro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx tel: +55 81 2126-8231e239
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