Re: [Xen-users] Kernel Headers for Xen Kernel
Hi Olaf,
Olaf wrote:
> Hi,
> My apologies for posting this question on this list but I figured that
> the Debian aficionados on this list might be more familiar with the
> issue than the general Debian user. As for the question itself, it
> most likely will attest more to my lack of knowledge than any issue
> with Xen.
> Ok, here we go: How do I generate the source header files for a
> 2.6.11 kernel patched with Xen 2.0.6?
> Some background: I´m trying to compile a few special modules (ibmsmb,
> for the IBM Director Agent, and zaphfc, for HFC-based ISDN cards, in
> case anyone is interested) and their Makefiles assume the presence of
> kernel source header files in case they are build against a 2.6
> kernel. That is, some meaningful code in /lib/modules/`uname
> -r`/build/include/linux...
> I´m using the unstable packages kernel-source-2.6.11 and the
> kernel-patch-xen to generate the source tree. I also copied the
> .config from the xen0 directory created when downloading the xen 2.0.6
> source distribution. Trying to build a kernel package using
> make-kpkg --added patches=xen --config=menuconfig --arch=xen
> --subarch=xen --revision=xenserver.0.1 kernel-image
> works just fine (but I should admit that I haven´t tried that kernel)
> and generates a Debian kernel package in /usr/src. However trying the
> same with
> make-kpkg --added patches=xen --config=menuconfig --arch=xen
> --subarch=xen --revision=xenserver.0.1 kernel-image kernel_headers
> still generates only the kernel-package.
> Doing just a
> make-kpkg kernel_headers
> is successful in creating a kernel-headers package but I´m wondering
> if that´s then for the right architecture.
> At this point I´m well willing to do away with the luxury of Debian
> packages if only I could compile the darn modules. Hence the broad
> question about _any_ way to generate the header files. If there´s a
> neat way to generate a Debian package, that would be to good to be
> true. I should also mention that I´d appreciate any not so subtle hint
> what I´m missing here.
> Thanks in advance
> Olaf
I've been using Debian for my Xen, but I'm afraid I haven't played with
the idea of making packages yet.
The way I've been doing it is
- download and unpack the xen branch of choice (currently using
- install the appropriate kernel source using apt-get (ie.
Debianised kernel source)
- copy the source file into /usr/src/xen
- do a 'make dist'
- cd to ./linux-2.6.xx-domU and do a 'make ARCH=xen menuconfig'
- repeat 'make dist'
- copy kernel/modules/... from ./dist/install/ to destination
There's probably a proper way of doing it, but this works for me. I
actually use a
number of different kernels depending on the task of the domU, so I've
the KERNEL statement in my Makefile and added extra make scripts in
for each kernel.
Once I get my new Xen-based server going (I've decided the old one is
too inefficient
with both drive space and ram, etc) I too will be looking into make-kpkg
to simplify (?)
upgrades and maintenance.
I'm not sure why your headers don't build, but perhaps you could try:
- kernel-headers instead of kernel_headers? (stab in dark:))
- remove the subarch stanza? (necessary?)
- export ARCH as an environment variable before make?
- OK, I've got no idea :)
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