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[Xen-users] Xen reboots on dom-U disk stress...

To: xen-users <xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Xen-users] Xen reboots on dom-U disk stress...
From: Roland Paterson-Jones <roland@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 11 May 2005 09:36:19 +0200
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Hi all

I tried to run bonnie++ disk stresser in dom-U, who's disk is backed with non-local (on nfs) loop-back file.
The machine rebooted pretty quickly.

So, how do I tell what's barfing? Is it Xen? Is it dom-0 (nfs or loop-back)?

I looked in dom-0's /var/log/messages and didn't see any obvious record of a dom-0 whoopsie (but is that the right place to look etc...).
Any help greatfully received.

Incidently, I ran bonnie++ successfully in dom-U with disk backed by local (dom-0 ext3) loop-back file. This pleasantly surprised me, as loop-back files don't have a good rep for stability under load.

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