Re: [Xen-devel] Fwd:[PATCH-may be a bug ignored] tools/libxl/libxl__buil
2011/5/9 Ian Jackson <Ian.Jackson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> ZhouPeng writes ("[Xen-devel] Fwd:[PATCH-may be a bug ignored]
> tools/libxl/libxl__build_device_model_args_new/old: The condition is so
> rigorous that user has no chance to disable the vnc"):
>> In my spice testing,
>> I find user have no way to disable vnc in qemu-old and new using xl,
>> no matter how to set
>> "vnc vncunused vncpasswd vncdisplay vnclisten" in vm cfg file.
> Does your patch not have the effect of turning vnc off by default ? I
> don't think that's correct.
pls see below:
parse_config_data(...) < xl_cmdimpl.c >
libxl_init_dm_info(...) set dm_info->vnc = 1
if (!xlu_cfg_get_long(config, "vnc", &l))
dm_info->vnc = l
So, The patch will turn vnc off by default,
Because dm_info->vnc = 1 in libxl_init_dm_info(...) turn on vnc in default,
My patch turns off vnc only when user 'set vnc = 0' explicitly in vm cfg file.
And testing in xen-unstable, it works.
> Ian.
Zhou Peng
Operating System Technology Group
Institute of Software, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISCAS)
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