Re: [Xen-devel] Introduction to VirtIO on Xen project
On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 10:05 PM, Takeshi HASEGAWA <hasegaw@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> That's why I am trying to run Fedora 14 on upstream-qemu + xen-unstable.
> On HVM domain, as SPICE worked with some libxl patches, I guess virtio-pci
> should work if xl command launch qemu with appropriate command arguments.
> virtio-pci is just a virtual PCI device.
> Takeshi
Thanks for your comment.
By the way, SPICE is also planned to be ported. Can you provide links
to those libxl patches? So that I will not need to reinvent the wheel.
Best regards
Wei Liu
Twitter: @iliuw
Site: http://liuw.name
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