[Xen-devel] Re: xen boot crash
On Wed, Jan 12, Christoph Egger wrote:
> Hi!
> Changeset 22706:ca10302ac285 causes below boot crash.
> Reverting it makes xen boot again.
> The rip points to xen/common/page_alloc.c:543
Yes, that change was not well done. Sorry for that. I'm sure it doesnt
crash if set_gpfn_from_mfn() is called from free_domheap_pages().
Looking at free_heap_pages(), now the page owner is cleared at the
beginning of the loop. But later in the loop it is checked wether a TLB
flush is required. So the set_gpfn_from_mfn() should be at least moved
past this check. Even if that doesnt fix the crash you are seening.
I will see if I can come up with a better version.
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