Re: [Xen-devel] Xen build - Debian vs Redhat layout patch options
On Tue, 4 Jan 2011, user virtual wrote:
> Hi Stefano
> I was encouraged by Bruce to forward my patches upstream to make Xen sources
> buildable from debian makefile debian/rules
> and for debian based target systems.
We always welcome good patches, thanks!
Could you please port your patches to xen-unstable?
We usually don't apply new patches to the stable trees directly.
Unfortunately we made many changes to the init scripts in xen-unstable so
porting the patches might not be straightforward.
I'll post some comments inline.
> I tried to make my 3 of 4 (5) patches to xen40-testing.hg as non intrusive as
> possible
> - backport-StdGNU.mk.diff (from xen-devel, already here)
> - debian-sysconfig-default.diff (conditional Makefile expansion)
> Description: Adapt init.d and sysconfig files to Debian based systems
> An attempt to assess that the build is to be made for Debian
> based systems. Based on the assessment adapt init.d and sysconfig
> files
> * Config.mk: DEBIANBASE - guess if the target system is debian based
> * tools/hotplug/Linux/Makefile: target install-initd: if DEBIANBASE=y
> - use /etc/default instead for /etc/sysconfig as destination folder
> - replace references of /etc/sysconfig for /etc/default in init.d-files
> Author: User Virtual <virtualusr@xxxxxxxxx>
> Origin: http://virtualusr.wordpress.com
> Index: xen-4.0-4.0.1/Config.mk
> ===================================================================
> --- xen-4.0-4.0.1.orig/Config.mk 2010-08-25 10:22:42.000000000 +0200
> +++ xen-4.0-4.0.1/Config.mk 2011-01-04 19:08:17.816312723 +0100
> @@ -185,5 +185,6 @@
> +DEBIANBASE ?= $(shell test ! -d /etc/sysconfig && test -d
> /etc/default && echo y || echo n)
> -include $(XEN_ROOT)/.config
> Index: xen-4.0-4.0.1/tools/hotplug/Linux/Makefile
> ===================================================================
> --- xen-4.0-4.0.1.orig/tools/hotplug/Linux/Makefile 2010-08-25
> 10:22:42.000000000 +0200
> +++ xen-4.0-4.0.1/tools/hotplug/Linux/Makefile 2011-01-04
> 19:08:17.816312723 +0100
> @@ -59,14 +59,22 @@
> .PHONY: install
> install: all install-initd install-scripts $(HOTPLUGS)
> +SYSCONF_DIR = $(if $(filter y,$(DEBIANBASE)),default,sysconfig)
> .PHONY: install-initd
> install-initd:
> [ -d $(DESTDIR)$(CONFIG_DIR)/init.d ] || $(INSTALL_DIR)
> $(DESTDIR)$(CONFIG_DIR)/init.d
> - [ -d $(DESTDIR)$(CONFIG_DIR)/sysconfig ] || $(INSTALL_DIR)
> $(DESTDIR)$(CONFIG_DIR)/sysconfig
> $(DESTDIR)$(CONFIG_DIR)/sysconfig/xendomains
> +ifeq ($(DEBIANBASE),y)
> + set -e; for i in $(DESTDIR)$(CONFIG_DIR)/$(XEND_INITD)
> + cp -a $$i $$i.tmp ; cp /dev/null $$i ; \
> + sed -e 's|/etc/sysconfig\b|/etc/default|g' $$i.tmp >> $$i ; \
> + rm -f $$i.tmp ; \
> + done
> +endif
Using sed on the init scripts is not the right way of doing it.
On xen-unstable we have a new init script called xencommons
(tools/hotplug/Linux/init.d/xencommons), if you open it you'll see that
we already check for the presence of /etc/sysconfig or /etc/default and
act accordingly. Something equivalent has been introduced to the
xendomains script too.
Thus I hope that on xen-unstable running sed on the init scripts is not
required anymore.
> .PHONY: install-scripts
> install-scripts:
> - tools-blktap2-libs.patch (from debian Xen-4.0 sources)
> - debian-python-2.6.diff (conditional Makefile expansion)
> - debian-stubdom.Makefile.diff (conditional Makefile expansion)
Could you please explain why is this needed?
> PS: I find the last xend.patch useful here if init.d/xend is run before xenfs
> kernel module is loaded. Mount attempt
> autoloads the module. Otherwise mount is never attempted. Is it ok to load
> xenfs module so late in the boot process? If
> so, the last patch might also be interesting for upload, right?
I believe we fixed this issue on xen-unstable moving the xenfs mount
request in the xencommons script and removing the check for xenfs in
/proc/filesystems. _______________________________________________
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