Re: [Xen-devel] RE: [Xen-users] XCP Downloading and Xen.org
On Thu, 11 Feb 2010 22:25:02 +0200
Pasi Kärkkäinen <pasik@xxxxxx> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 02:57:25PM -0500, Dustin Henning wrote:
> > I assume adding them to bittorrent is a good idea, as a lot of users will
> > probably use a torrent program to get them, lessening the impact on the
> > project's bandwidth. However, that shouldn't be the only way to get the
> > product. Fedora and CentOS both have CD ISO and DVD ISO torrents, many
> > mirrors have CD ISOs, a few have the DVD ISOs as well. Is it possible to
> > get XCP added to some mirrors as well?
> >
> Yeah, It should be possible to get XCP to some ftp/http mirrors.
> Does someone have good contacts?
<cynical but true mode on>
Turn the maximum transfer rate on the master site way down and you'll
suddenly get mirrors and torrent users.
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