[Xen-devel] Re: [PATCH] x86: fix MCE/NMI injection
On Tuesday 01 December 2009 10:36:58 Jan Beulich wrote:
> This attempts to address all the concerns raised in
> http://lists.xensource.com/archives/html/xen-devel/2009-11/msg01195.html,
> but I'm nevertheless still not convinced that all aspects of the
> injection handling really work reliably. In particular, while the
> patch here on top of the fixes for the problems menioned in the
> referenced mail also adds code to keep send_guest_trap() from
> injecting multiple events at a time, I don't think the is the right
> mechanism - it should be possible to handle NMI/MCE nested within
> each other.
> Another fix on top of the ones for the earlier described problems is
> that the vCPU affinity restore logic didn't account for software
> injected NMIs - these never set cpu_affinity_tmp, but due to it most
> likely being different from cpu_affinity it would have got restored
> (to a potentially random value) nevertheless.
> Signed-off-by: Jan Beulich <jbeulich@xxxxxxxxxx>
The patch looks good. Just a minor nit: your cmpxchgptr() implementation
looks very complicated and unreadable.
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