Re: [Xen-devel] Announcing xen/master: pvops git trees rearranged
On Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 09:29:46PM +0200, Marc - A. Dahlhaus wrote:
> Marc - A. Dahlhaus schrieb:
> >Hello Jeremy,
> >
> >Jeremy Fitzhardinge schrieb:
> >>Well, my current pvops/dom0 tree is finally (reasonably) stable. There
> >>was a fairly nasty bug which ended up corrupting dom0 memory when doing
> >>IO on behalf of domains, but that is finally fixed.
> >>
> >>In honour of this, I've renamed the rebase/* branches to xen/* (moving
> >>the old remaining xen/* branches to xen-old/*); xen/master is now the
> >>preferred branch for fetching current dom0 work.
> >>
> --8<--
> >>See http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/XenParavirtOps for general
> >>directions on configuration, compilation and use.
> >
> >I think it would be a good idea to add some backtrace and debug related
> >options to the CONFIG_ options listed on the wiki page so that one gets
> >all the details needed from the testers when some bug shows up (CCd
> >Pasi). The NETXEN_NIC option looks unrelated to xen...
> Somehow my mail gateway got problems with umlauts and rewrote
> mailadress, so this is another try to CC pasi...
Heh. It's kinda funny to have all these charset/umlaut problems still in 2009 :)
> >>This is definitely a work-in-progress kernel. I'd appreciate all bug
> >>*and* success reports so I can get some idea of how many people are
> >>using this thing, and how often there are problems. Patches gratefully
> >>accepted.
> >
> >Will report something back soon,
> Had no luck. It crashed during irq initialization. Somehow the serial
> logs aren't fully transmitted. All i could catch is attached. Also is
> attached the .config used to build the dom0 kernel. Will give xen 3.4.1
> and unstable another try tomorrow.
Please paste your grub.conf. I'm going to try xen/master tree today..
-- Pasi
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