Re: [Xen-devel] xen client installation question
2009/4/16 Jun Koi <junkoi2004@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Hi,
> I am trying to install XCI. To my horrified, it tries to download and
> compile a lot of softwares, like binutils and even gcc 4.2.4. Is there
> any good idea to do that??
> The problem is that binutils itself has some code not tested on gcc
> 4.3 on Ubuntu 8.10, and the compilation fails!
For xenclient we are using buildroot which is based on busybox + uclibc.
Because we use another libc we have to cross compiled environment, that why we
compile binutils and gcc.
If it doesn't work with ubuntu you can still create a debian chroot.
Jean Guyader
Xen-devel mailing list