ocaml?? why?? (was: [Xen-devel] caml stubdom crashes)
At the recent summit, I know I wasn't the only one concerned
about the rise of ocaml as a critical language/tool in the
Xen development world, but I guess I'll be the sacrificial
lamb that starts the discussion, prompted by the thread
about stubdom crashes.
Why ocaml? Let me make it clear that I know very little
about ocaml... it may be a perfect match for the job and
the best language since sliced bread, but as far as I can
tell it is NOT A WIDELY DEPLOYED language. As a result,
the Xen community is going to have to work through all
of the little distro/version-dependent idiosyncracies and
bugs that are long since worked through in many other
languages. That scares me. I'm happy to learn a new
language... I'm NOT happy to learn how to debug a new
In other words, it may be a very fine academic/research
language... but do we really want enterprise customers'
critical workloads dependent on it?
Okay, the elephant/camel is on the table. Commence firing.
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