Re: AW: [Xen-devel] The right way to get an actualxen-enabledkernel-sour
On 06/03/2009 14:01, "Gerd Hoffmann" <kraxel@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Reason for 2.6.28 is, that i was told by xen-users that 2.6.27 from
>> SLES is buggy and after tests, i could approve that.
> I can't recommmend the 2.6.27 tree at xenbits. That was a one-time
> dump, nobody does any maintainance (fix bugs, plug security holes, ...)
> there. You also have to flip certain config options into the correct
> state to get the thing even build.
The tree was never used by the developers I put it there for. I should
probably remove it.
-- Keir
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