RE: [Xen-devel] boot failure in recent cset... dom0 compat issue?
> <dan.magenheimer@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > linux-2.6.18-xen.hg tip is c/s 786
> >
> > xen-19043 boots dom0linux-644 fine
> > xen-19109 fails to boot dom0linux-644
> > xen-19064 boots dom0linux-644 fine
> > xen-19065 fails to boot dom0linux-644
> > xen-19043 boots dom0linux-786 but I get no networking
> > xen-19109 boots dom0linux-786 but I get no networking
> >
> > Has something changed in tools that might need to
> > be matched against latest xen and/or latest dom0, which
> > might explain my networking disappearance? I'd
> > upgrade tools too, but that's harder to back out if
> > it doesn't work, and I'm not keen to reinstall this
> > machine from scratch right now.
> I don't think there have been any intentional interface
> breakages there just
> now. So I don't really have an easy solution.
> -- Keir
Apologies, the networking problem was a red herring...
a NIC driver issue that I had forgotten needs to be
fixed every time I build a new dom0 kernel.
So, yes, a matched hypervisor/dom0 tip set works
for me now.
So it appears, at least on some machines, that c/s
19065 renders dom0 no longer backwards-compatible.
No big deal I guess but probably worth noting in
the release notes for the 3.4 release.
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