Re: [Xen-devel] Windows SMP
Venefax wrote:
> I went as far as "make xen". The question is now what do I do to use this
> new, patched hypervisor, I mean, how do I put in production? A simple reboot?
> Please advise.
As we don't want to assume that this test xen will even boot, the safest thing
is to edit your /boot/grub/menu.lst (or use yast [System -> Boot Loader]) to
copy your current xen boot entry. Leave everything identical between the two
entries except for the hypervisor (change /boot/xen.gz to /boot/xen-test.gz)
and the title line to indicate the test entry (add something like "- test" to
the end of the title line). If you use yast, the title entry is in the label
Copy your newly created xen.gz to /boot/xen-test.gz (be careful not to copy
your new file on top of any existing /boot/xen.gz).
Reboot the node and manually select the test selection. If the boot succeeds,
try your experiment. If the boot fails, just reboot normally and verify your
changes to the menu.lst.
> Federico
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steve Ofsthun [mailto:sofsthun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 4:20 PM
> To: Venefax
> Cc: 'Keir Fraser'; 'Andrew Lyon'; 'James Harper'; 'Dirk Utterback';
> xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [Xen-devel] Windows SMP
> Venefax wrote:
>> Dear Gentlemen
>> One silly question, maybe, how do I apply the patch supplied in SLES SP2? I
>> have not compiled anything from sources.
>> Federico
> I believe the proper sequence is:
> download the SLES10 SDK iso from you Novell support account:
> SLE-10-SP2-SDK-DVD-x86_64-GM-DVD1.iso
> Add this ISO as a yast installation source.
> install the xen-3.2.0_16718_14-0.4.src.rpm rpm via yast or:
> # rpm -i xen-3.2.0_16718_14-0.4.src.rpm
> Note that this is the .src.rpm not the binary rpm.
> Prep the source tree using:
> # rpmbuild -bc /usr/src/packages/SPECS/xen.spec
> This should build, patch and compile the package. If it fails due to
> dependencies, add the missing RPMs using yast.
> Once it succeeds, apply the attached patch (I attached the wrong one
> previously):
> # cd /usr/src/packages/BUILD/xen-3.2-testing
> # patch -p0 < ~/xen-vioapic-callback-routing.patch
> Build the hypervisor:
> # cd /usr/src/packages/BUILD/xen-3.2-testing
> # make xen
> try out the resulting xen/xen.gz manually.
> Steve
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