RE: [Xen-devel] shutdown question - PV vs HVM
> On 6/10/07 09:17, "James Harper" <james.harper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> > Do I need to do something to shutdown_start_time to give me more
time to
> > do the shutdown? I can't see that in 'xenstore-ls', and the only
> > reference to it is in XendDomainInfo...
> >
> > The only other thing I can think of is that I need to tell xend that
> > am shutting down the domain, and that writing a blank string to
> > control/shutdown isn't what is required...
> Xend is waiting 30 seconds for your HVM domain to complete its
> Once your domain halts, or tries to reboot, or whatever, qemu or Xen
> set its state to 'shutdown' and this is picked up by xend. That event
> stop xend's 30-second fallback timer.
> If your problem is simply that clean shutdown of your HVM guest takes
> longer
> than 30 seconds, then you need to increase SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT in
> XendConstants.py. It is already increased to 5 minutes in xen-unstable
> in xen-3.1.1.
Actually, the problem is my assumption that xend would give me as long
as I wanted to shut down. I haven't yet put the code in to do the
shutdown, and I was concerned that the domain was still being
hard-shutdown anyway. You have enlightened me :)
As it turns out, there isn't really a way to do a shutdown from windows
kernel space. I need to write a usermode app/service to talk to the
driver, and initiate the shutdown from there.
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