[Xen-devel] Re: credit scheduler error rates as reported by HP and UCSD
On 12/04/07 09:09 -0700, Diwaker Gupta wrote:
Questions: how does ALERT measure actual cpu allocation? Using Xenmon?
How does the ALERT exersize the domain? The paper didn't mention the
actual system calls and hypercalls the domains are making when running
yes, we use XenMon. We also have xentop output for correlation and
I think the paper describes the workloads we use. When the VMs are
running webservers, we use httperf to generate the workload. The iperf
benchmark uses the iperf bandwidth measurement tools and I believe the
VMs run as iperf servers. For disk I/O, we just use a regular dd
command to read a file into /dev/null.
For the credit scheduler ALERT tests, was some of the workload generated by
httpperf? Or, was domu generating a lot of i/o requests to dom0?
I'm not sure how one would accurately generate the set of system calls
and hypercalls generated by a given workload. And how would you use
this information if you had it?
Mike D. Day
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