RE: [Xen-devel] RE: [Xen-users] HVM WinXP dom crash (with 3.0.3 too)
Recently, we installed two windows guests (Windows XP Pro SP2 and
Windows 2003 Enterprise Server) using xen and found no problem. The
changeset is 11720 and we did try different host modes (32bit, 32bit-PAE
and 64bit).
Here is some key parameters in config file:
Hope the info helps.
jdsw wrote:
> Thanks again Keir for quick tip.
> 1. make install in the tools directory fixed the blktapctrl problem
> 2. I will ignore the message
> 3. In my prev note : will ignore for now.
> 4. Network problem : Any ideas ? It is very inconvenient to use Dom0
> when N/w (name resolution) does not work!!
> 5. WinXP HVM on AMD : quite disappointed. My understanding was the
> Xen has better support for AMD than intel and associated chipset.
> I would be glad to provide information or try out things, if it can
> help diagnose the problem and in the process make next version of Xen
> a better platform.
> Anyone else, if they have succeeded with AMD, would like to learn
> more from their experiences.
> Thanks again for all your help.
> /Jd
> --- Keir Fraser <Keir.Fraser@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On 19/10/06 8:46 am, "jdsw" <jdsw2002@xxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>>> 1. I get the following message when I try to start xend domain.
>>> (xend still seems to come up)
>>> blktapctrl: error while loading shared libraries:
>>> libcrypto.so.0.9.7: cannot open shared object file: No
>>> such file or directory
>>> -- These are crypto lib on my box --- seems to be ahead!!!
>> As you say there is a version mismatch between the build box and the
>> install box. This is always going to be an issue with
>> non-distro-specific binary tarballs. You could download the source
>> tarball and 'make install' just inside the tools directory to fix
>> this by recompiling for your system.
>>> 2. When I boot, I get warning to move /lib/tls to /lib/tls.disabled
>>> though I HAVE moved it to /lib/tls.disabled.
>> You can ignore this. Some binaries (well, init) have TLS accesses
>> hardcoded inside them. We need to remove this warning, or make it at
>> least not appear on modern systems.
>>> 5. WinXP installation : Windows setup screen comes up,
>>> it shows a bunch of relavent drivers being loaded. It
>>> just hangs for 10 min, then blue screen with STOP 0000000,....
>> I'm afraid it's simply the case that HVM is currently more stable on
>> Intel than AMD hardware. This is an area we're pursuing for 3.0.4.
>> That said there have been reported successes on the list with
>> Windows XP on AMDV.
>> -- Keir
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