Re: [Xen-devel] Network stops responding after some time
On 24 Jul 2006, at 19:49, Adnan Khaleel wrote:
I need help in trying to understand why the ethernet driver has locked
up and how I can go about outputting debug messages. I see in
/proc/interrrupts that the interrupt count of eth0 just stops
incrementing. I've tried different (3Com, Realtek 8169, Realtek 8139)
based network cards and this happens with all. I'm not sure what is so
unique about my system that might be causing this to lockup, its a
regular Nforce3 based system with 512MB ram. This problem does not
happen if I'm not using a Xen enabled kernel. This is entirely
happening in dom0 and there aren't any user domains so its not a
bridging issue. I've also disabled the Xen backend drivers (netbk.ko
and netloop.ko) so its talking to the network chip directly.
Any help? Please?
Firstly, you need to repro on the kernel from our xen-unstable
repository, which is based on kernel.org Linux 2.6.16. Then build the
same kernel for native i386 and get boot output. Send the unified diff
(diff -u) of the two boot outputs. You may need to tweak the
configuration of the native build to get the output similar to that of
the Xen-based kernel -- we can tell you how to do that when we see your
initial diff.
Another thing worth trying is 'ioapic_ack=old' as a Xen boot parameter
in your bootloader configuration file. It probably won't help, but
worth a try.
-- Keir
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