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Re: [Xen-devel] Xen-unstable kernel panics on boot

On 19 Jul 2006, at 21:49, Wayne Pascoe wrote:

I have compiled xen-unstable from source and I am unable to boot the kernel that this creates. It appears to not be able to find my logical volumes to mount the root volume. Shortly after this, the kernel panics and the machine reboots.

Is there any option I can use when building the kernel to stop this reboot after the panic so that I can find out what is causing it?

I know about echoing things to proc to stop reboot / change the amount of time before reboot, but since I'm not getting far enough to have a proc filesystem, this doesn't help me.

Please ignore this - turns out noreboot is my friend :D

Wayne Pascoe    (gpg --keyserver www.co.uk.pgp.net --recv-keys 79A7C870)
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- Scott McNealy

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