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Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH] xenconsole: fix xencons=tty[0-9]+ param

Is your change to ttyS correct for anything other than ttyS0? Looks
like you'd incorrectly bind on ttyS0.

Also I see you made a predicate more complicated which is repeated many times. Could you hide it behind a suitably named macro? You may need to
make it more complicated still to fix ttyS case...

        Good points. How about this?

All looks okay except the following change:

-       tty_register_device(xencons_driver, 0, NULL);
+       tty_register_device(xencons_driver, XC_SERIAL ? 0 : xc_num - 1, NULL);

First, it ought to be (xc_mode == XC_SERIAL) right? Secondly, is registering just one of the tty devices what you want to do? Do you not need to register the 'dummy' ones for this trick to work?

 -- Keir

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