Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH] assign_irq_vector adjustments
>> In both i386 and x86-64 Linux, using a static variable (and thus
>> having the potential of missing synchronization there,
>> as I suspect exists in native Linux) is not needed with the hypercall
>> approach. In the hypervisor, the patch adds the
>> needed synchronization.
>1. Should you not assign to irq_vector[] and vector_irq[] in Xen with
>the lock held? Otherwise you may double-allocate if two requests are
>made concurrently to assign for the same irq (unlikely, but...)
Hmm, the vector_irq assignment shouldn't need the lock (which is why I moved
the unlock up), but you're right, the
IO_APIC_VECTOR() write *and* read should happen with the lock held. I'll update
>2. Since that'll need a re-send, please also add a Signed-off-by line.
Sure, if you prefer it that way. Should this go into the patch (attachment) or
the message?
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