RE: [Xen-devel] Custom Hardware Acceleration
> Hi all,
> I am exploring the possibility of designing a custom hardware
> acceleration solution using an ASIC or an FPGA to accelerate
> some part of Xen. Basically, I am looking for some part of
> the code that could be built in hardware to make it faster.
> Does anybody know where I could get some statistics on the
> code, such as the most called functions, the most
> parallelizable functions, etc... If you could think of
> something that would be useful in HW I would be very
> interested to know.
You might like to take a look at the following paper, which Keir and I
wrote in 2000. Although we designed it for a different purpose, it would
work great with Xen and enable direct IO from guests with very low
additional hardware cost.
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